Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 3 of PrePro

This Monday we started with the hard stuff in PreProduction. Starting the day with class at 8, work begins at 9 and ends whenever we've done everything on our checklist for the day. Monday ended past 11PM, and Tuesday ended at around 10-10:30 PM.

That's over 12 hours of work each day. Our days consist of trusses, cables (not wires, not cords- cables), LED walls, Lekos, Mac 2ks, motors, rigging, video racks, 30x17 ft screens, floating projectors, and a ton more I haven't experienced myself.

In short, PreProduction's been hectic, and learning to work with different personalities has been a challenge.. but I'm so blessed to be part of Acquire The Fire. I love it. It's so hard to believe it's actually happening.

More thoughts to come..

Saturday, August 25, 2012

And so it begins..

Hello few! Hello all! 

This is Rachael.

As many of you know, or may not know.. I am currently on this year's August Ministry Team. Now some of you may be asking yourselves, "What the heck is Ministry Team?" Let me tell you. Ministry Team is a group of graduate interns and staff from the Honor Academy that go touring across the U.S (and Canada), putting on a huge youth event called Acquire The Fire. I've been to several ATF events since I was 13 years old, and have always wanted to do this. In short, for me..
     Ministry Team is a dream come true.

And this year's tour- Relentless Pursuit- is going to be amazing.

This tour, I have the amazing job of being the Media Tech Operator. So I'll be in charge of a program called Isadora. When I learn the ins and outs of Isadora (aka Izzy), I'll definitely let everyone know. Pretty much, I'll be in charge of what is seen on the huge screen during the event that's NOT from a camera (powerpoints, videos, etc). Woo! 

I hear Izzy's temperamental and kind of a diva sometimes, so! We'll see who wins the battle by the end of the year. I'm sure she'll yield to my loving personality (kidding). 

Anyways, I believe that's all for now. 

Our first event is Amherst, Massachusetts.. in almost 4 weeks.