Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fall Tour

So, Fall Tour has come to a close.

We're back on campus and getting ready for the January Gala and Graduation this Friday and Saturday. I can honestly say I love working. This team, this group of people- they're all such a blessing. Nothing is ever normal for them, and their love for God is obvious in the way they talk, live their lives, and love people.

Anyways, here are the rest of the highlight videos from this past tour.

Chicago, IL: 

Cleveland, OH:

Anaheim, CA:

Billings, MT:

And finally, this past weekend we were in
Phoenix, AZ:

I think, by far, Anaheim has been my favorite and most memorable event yet. However, God has moved incredibly at each event. Each state and each city so much different from the last. 

I honestly can't wait for the Spring Tour to start up. So many more cities, faces, and things that God's going to do. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mississauga, Canada

This weekend, we were in Mississauga, Canada.
Both load-in and load-out went pretty smoothly, and the trucks were the correct weight this time. 
The video team, however, ran into more than one problem.
Several times, Isadora crashed in the middle of the drama or worship.
Funny thing though.. 
It always started working right when I needed it to. What do ya know?

At this particular event, there were about 4,000 youth, parents, and youth pastors.
And it was held at the Hershey Centre in Mississauga, Canada.
Here's the highlight video for this event made by CCM Studios.

I have been so blessed to be a part of this ministry, and even more in this particular branch of the ministry.
I love what I do.
And I love the people I work with.

Next stop:

I am still a part of this ministry because of the grace of God
and the donations that family and friends have so graciously blessed me with.

If you would like to donate, go to:
and use my id #.
Then put the amount you would like to donate.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Amherst, MA 2012

This past weekend in Amherst was amazing.

There were a lot of mistakes made in every department- granted this was our very first event. HOWEVER, from what I keep hearing, it was the best Amherst event ever. For every bump and bruise, there were at least a hundred things that went right. But honestly, that's just the cherry on top.

The best part, and the only important part, was that God showed up and wrecked these kids lives.
I know some people get extremely confused when we say the word wrecked like that. But it's true. God comes in and wrecks us. He gives us a taste of his love and then we can never be the same.. ever again.
And that's what he did.

I've no other way to describe it. This event just blew my mind completely, and showed me that God is still faithful even when I'm not. What I do has no bearing on God's ability to move hearts.

Monday, September 24, 2012

We've Only Yet Arrived

We arrived at the venue in Amherst today. We're in an area that people like to call "The Valley." Why they call it that- I've no idea. But my team has been praying for this event for a while, and eveb dedicated a lot of time of worship and prayer last night for this event and the people in the area.

In Massachusetts, people really value their education and they're head knowledge. What they don't know is that when they come to this event, they're world is going to be wrecked and rocked by something completely illogical.

The love of God.

As the ministry team, it's our job to bring and create an atmosphere for people to feel the presence and love of God. Some people have doubts that having a huge, elaborate event is necessary for people to have an encounter with God. The thing is that for a generation that's driven by extremes, it's necessary to bring them something extreme- something extravagant.

For those of you who still have doubts about it, I was one of those teenagers that needed an extravagant event to create an atmosphere where I could feel God's love. And it's because of this event called Acquire The Fire that I am even alive. More about that later though.

This weekend, thousands of teenagers will be faced with the knowledge of the God that loves them unconditionally. Their lives will never be the same. It's not in pride that I say this, but in confidence that my God never fails.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Starting Tour?

Things are moving so fast here. The ATF tour starts in one week in Amherst, Massachusetts. We leave this Friday though. It's hard to believe that Preproduction is almost done. Tomorrow's the last day. And Friday night, we'll be on the road.

It's happening!

Tour's starting!

Here's our Fall Tour.

Amherst, MA | September 28-29
Toronto, ON | October 19-20
Chicago, IL | October 26-27
Cleveland, OH | November 2-3
Anaheim, CA | November 9-10
Billings, MT | November 16-17
Phoenix, AZ | November 30-December 1

And that's just a fraction of our full tour.
This is actually happening!

Here we come Amherst.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Welcome Manalo

I finally have Isadora and Manalo. Yes! So now I can start learning my job, which is exciting because we leave for Amherst next week.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 3 of PrePro

This Monday we started with the hard stuff in PreProduction. Starting the day with class at 8, work begins at 9 and ends whenever we've done everything on our checklist for the day. Monday ended past 11PM, and Tuesday ended at around 10-10:30 PM.

That's over 12 hours of work each day. Our days consist of trusses, cables (not wires, not cords- cables), LED walls, Lekos, Mac 2ks, motors, rigging, video racks, 30x17 ft screens, floating projectors, and a ton more I haven't experienced myself.

In short, PreProduction's been hectic, and learning to work with different personalities has been a challenge.. but I'm so blessed to be part of Acquire The Fire. I love it. It's so hard to believe it's actually happening.

More thoughts to come..

Saturday, August 25, 2012

And so it begins..

Hello few! Hello all! 

This is Rachael.

As many of you know, or may not know.. I am currently on this year's August Ministry Team. Now some of you may be asking yourselves, "What the heck is Ministry Team?" Let me tell you. Ministry Team is a group of graduate interns and staff from the Honor Academy that go touring across the U.S (and Canada), putting on a huge youth event called Acquire The Fire. I've been to several ATF events since I was 13 years old, and have always wanted to do this. In short, for me..
     Ministry Team is a dream come true.

And this year's tour- Relentless Pursuit- is going to be amazing.

This tour, I have the amazing job of being the Media Tech Operator. So I'll be in charge of a program called Isadora. When I learn the ins and outs of Isadora (aka Izzy), I'll definitely let everyone know. Pretty much, I'll be in charge of what is seen on the huge screen during the event that's NOT from a camera (powerpoints, videos, etc). Woo! 

I hear Izzy's temperamental and kind of a diva sometimes, so! We'll see who wins the battle by the end of the year. I'm sure she'll yield to my loving personality (kidding). 

Anyways, I believe that's all for now. 

Our first event is Amherst, Massachusetts.. in almost 4 weeks.